
To provide our Business Machines (Tower Crane), which we procure to operate in the projects of construction companies, as high quality products and services in universal norms, to observe maximum efficiency in construction sites, to ensure perfect and maximalist satisfaction for our products and services in accordance with all applicable legislation and specifications and standards, Our main policy is to provide our company with the turnover and profitability we aim every year by fulfilling all the necessary practices for worker safety with precision.


While establishing and implementing a more competitive, ethical and reliable reputation management outside, by continuously training all of its in-house personnel within the framework of all kinds of laws, laws and regulations and by taking all kinds of security measures and taking all kinds of security measures in line with the company instructions, To create and sustain an original / model management system that is based on performance measurement among staff, constantly improved and developed, based on efficiency and saving, constantly improved and developed in line with the principles of minimum error, maximum performance, and enthusiastic and motivated against innovation and change, and the current law and within the framework of regulations, identification of environmental, occupational health and safety hazards, prevent danger at its source by making necessary risk analyzes, and protecting the environment by minimizing situations that may endanger the environment, life and property safety, and prevent pollution. It is the continuous improvement of labor and quality, environment, occupational health and safety management systems.


• It is based on customer satisfaction and customer trust, acts with a focus on providing maximum efficiency and profitability for the customer, and targets effective and real profit expectations in return of this understanding and perspective.

• Takes and implements decisions to keep company / operating expenses at optimum level and to stay within the planned income and expense analysis and accounts.

• The company considers its personnel as their family and is sensitive to their problems. He sees his sensitivity to help and support as an absolute value.

• Base the feelings of its customers, business partners and staff on behalf of ADV on a sense of well-being and strict principles.

• It does not make any concessions from the written rules.

• Respects labor and knowledge, sets the rules for giving and receiving rewards, operates, manages.

• The entire ADV team, especially the board of directors, is responsible for implementing the system that it has established within the framework of norms and values ​​in written form.


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